日期:2025-03-07 11:02:20人气:73
- mina
look at me,
i'm as helpless as a kitten up a tree
and i feel like i'm clinging to a cloud,
i can't understand
i get misty,
just holding your hand
walk my way
and a thousand violins begin to play
or it might be the sound of your hello
the music i hear,
i get misty the moment you're near
you can't say that you're leading me on,
but it's just what i want you to do
don't you notice how hopelessly i'm lost,
that's why i'm following you
on my own,
would i wander through this wonderland alone
never knowing my right foot from my left,
my hat from my glove
i'm too misty, and too much in love.
(........di bi di bi di........)
on my own,
would i wander through this wonderland alone
never knowing my right foot from my left,
my hat from my glove
too misty, and too much in love,
too misty, and too much in love
in love
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