日期:2025-01-13 10:06:33人气:88
歌曲选自席卷全球的迪士尼原创电视电影《歌舞青春》(《High School Musical》)。
Sharpay: I believe in dreaming
Shooting for the stars
Ryan: Baby, to be number one
You’ve got to raise the bar
Sharpay: Kicking and a scratching
Grinding out my best
Ryan: Anything it takes
To climb the ladder of success
Both: Work our tails off everyday
Gotta bump the competition
Blow them all away
Sharpay: Yeah, we’re gonna
Both: Bop, bop, bop
Bop to the top
Ryan: Slip and slide and ride that rhyth
Both: Jump and hop
Hop ’til we drop
Sharpay: And start again
Both: Zip, zap, zop
Pop like a mop
Ryan: Scoot around the corner
Both: Move it to the groove ’til the mus
ic stops
Do the bop, bop, bop to the top
Don’t ever stop
Bop to the top
Gimme, gimme
Shimmy, shimmy
Shake some booty and turn around
Flash a smile in their direction
Sharpay: Show some muscle
Ryan: Do the hustle
Sharpay: Yeah, we’re gonna
Both: Bop, bop, bop
Bop to the top
Ryan: Wipe away your inhibitions
Both: Stump, stump, stump
Do the rump
Sharpay: And strut your stuff
Both: Bop, bop, bop
Straight to the top
Going for the glory
We’ll keep stepping up and we just
won’t stop
’Til we reach the top
Bop to the top
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