日期:2025-03-07 10:11:00人气:16
送你这对翅膀,这首歌原曲为英文,叫做Take These Wings,是一首非常著名的基督教诗歌。原曲由Steve Kupferschmid作,Don Besig作曲,后被翻译成中文来唱。据说,很多基督徒及合唱团员都唱过。
I found a sparrow lying on the ground;
Her life I knew would soon be at an end.
I knelt before her as she made a sound,
and listened as she said. "My friend.
Take these wings and learn to fly
to the highest mountain in the sky;
Take these eyes and learn to see
all the things so dear to me.
Take this song and learn to sing,
fill your voice with all the joys of spring;
Take this heart and set it free,
Let it fly﹝Let it fly, let it fly﹞
beyond the sea."
I found another sparrow lying on the sand,
A tiny bird whose life had just begun.
I picked him and held him in my hand;
I smiled at him and said, "My son.
Take these wings and learn to fly
to the highest mountain in the sky;
Take these eyes and learn to see
all the things so dear to me.
Take this song and learn to sing,
fill your voice with all the joys of spring;
Take this heart and set it free,
Let it fly﹝Let it fly, let it fly﹞
beyond the sea."
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