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日期:2025-03-07 10:56:41人气:71


Vampire-Olivia Rodrigo五线谱预览1

Vampire-Olivia Rodrigo五线谱预览2

Vampire-Olivia Rodrigo五线谱预览3

Vampire-Olivia Rodrigo五线谱预览4

Vampire-Olivia Rodrigo五线谱预览5

Vampire-Olivia Rodrigo五线谱预览6

Vampire-Olivia Rodrigo五线谱预览7

美国创作歌手Olivia Rodrigo(奥利维亚•罗德里戈)近日重返歌坛,推出了新专辑《GUTS》中的首支主打单曲《Vampire》(吸血鬼),在生动鲜活的音乐情感中拉开了一场沉重的序幕。

Vampire》以快节奏的流行节奏编曲开场,随后是略显悲伤的钢琴和鼓点,加上金属感很明显的有点混乱的音效,显得十分破碎,反映了 Olivia Rodrigo 伤痛的青春。Olivia Rodrigo 极其真诚、发自肺腑的声乐表演为歌曲增加了不少内容和情感,凸显出在复杂的情感关系中疲惫不堪的心碎和怨恨,赢得了一致好评。




Hate to give the satisfaction asking how you're doing now

How's the castle built off people you pretend to care about

Just what you wanted

Look at you cool guy you got it

I see the parties and the diamonds sometimes

When I close my eyes

Six months of torture you sold as some forbidden paradise

I loved you truly

Gotta laugh at the stupidity

Cuz I've made some real big mistakes

But you make the worst one look fine

I should've known it was strange

You only come out at night

I used to think I was smart

But you made me look so naive

The way you sold me for parts

As you sunk your teeth into me oh

Bloodsucker fame******

Bleeding me dry like a goddamn vampire

Every girl I ever talked to told me you were bad bad news

You called them crazy god I hate the way

I called them crazy too

You're so convincing

How do you lie without flinching

How do you lie how do you lie how do you lie

Oh what a mesmerizing

Paralyzing ****** up little thrill

Can't figure out just how you do it and god knows I never will

Went for me and not her

Cuz girls your age know better

I've made some real big mistakes

But you make the worst one look fine

I should've known it was strange

You only come out at night

I used to think I was smart

But you made me look so naive

The way you sold me for parts

As you sunk your teeth into me oh

Bloodsucker fame******

Bleeding me dry like a goddamn vampire

You said it was true love

But wouldn't that be hard

You can't love anyone

'Cause that would mean you had a heart

I tried to help you out now I know that I can't

'Cause how you think's the kind of thing

I'll never understand

I've made some real big mistakes

But you make the worst one look fine

I should've known it was strange

You only come out at night

I used to think I was smart

But you made me look so naive

The way you sold me for parts

As you sunk your teeth into me oh

Bloodsucker fame******

Bleeding me dry like a goddamn vampire

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